How do I change my Dropbox username or account photo?

Updated Jan 15, 2025
person icon

The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users.

Dropbox account photos and usernames can personalize your Dropbox account, and are visible to your friends and coworkers — this feature can help others recognize you around Dropbox. For example, profile pictures are displayed in the Dropbox badge when you collaborate on a file with another person.

You also see your account photo at the top of the page on

How to change your name on

To change your name on

  1. Log in to
  2. Click your avatar in the upper right.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click the General tab.
  5. Click Edit next to your name.
  6. Type the name you'd like to use.
  7. Click Change name.

How to set or change an account photo

To set an account photo:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click your avatar in the upper right.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click the General tab.
  5. Click Edit next to your photo.
  6. Drag and drop a photo, click upload from computer, or click Choose from Dropbox.
  7. Click Done to set your account photo.
  1. Open the Dropbox Android app.
  2. Tap the account icon (person).
  3. Tap your account photo in the upper left.
  4. Select how you'd like to upload your account photo: Choose from DropboxChoose from gallery, or Use camera.
  5. Choose a photo.
  1. Open the Dropbox iOS app.
  2. Tap the account icon (person).
  3. Tap Edit profile in the upper right.
  4. Tap the edit icon (pencil) under your avatar.
  5. Select how you’d like to upload your account photo: Choose from Dropbox, Choose from gallery, or Take photo.
  6. Select your photo.
  7. Adjust your photo, then tap Crop when you’re ready.
  8. Tap Save.

What file can I use for my profile picture?

Your profile picture must be at least 256px by 256px. You can use any of these file types:

  • .bmp
  • .gif
  • .jpeg
  • .jpg
  • .png
  • .tif
  • .tiff
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