How to set up the Dropbox Dash connector for Asana

Updated Feb 27, 2025
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The information in this article applies to all Dropbox Dash users.


You can connect your Asana account to Dropbox Dash so you can access and search your Asana content directly within Dash. This requires OAuth authentication to ensure Dash only retrieves information relevant to your data, giving you full control over what Dash can access. Dash strictly follows the OAuth model, meaning it only accesses the data you specifically permit.

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  • Team members can connect to Dropbox Dash only after their Dash admin approves and enables the integration. After approval, they must grant Dash permission to access their account.
  • You must have an active Asana account to connect with Dash.

Integration features

For Asana, Dash captures the following details:

  • Projects: Prioritized lists of tasks in Asana, or a board with columns of tasks represented as cards, easily searchable within Dash. Dash collects information such as the project name, task content, and timestamp to improve search functionality and make it easier to find relevant data.
  • Tasks: The basic objects around which many operations in Asana are centered. Dash collects information, such as the task name, content, and timestamp, to make searching easy.
  • User task lists: The tasks assigned to a user. Dash collects the task list name to improve search results.
  • Workspaces: The highest-level organizational unit in Asana. All projects and tasks are associated with a workspace. Dash gathers the workspace name to enhance search capabilities.

API usage

When connecting Asana, Dash requests the following:

  • Access your name and email address: Allows Dash to access your name and email address.
  • Access your tasks, projects, and workspaces: Allows Dash to access your tasks, projects, and workspaces to surface the most relevant Asana content in search results.
  • Create and modify tasks, projects, and comments on your behalf: Required by Asana to integrate with Dash.

How content syncing works

  • After Dash connects to Asana, the content sync begins immediately to ensure you can start searching right away, with prioritizing the most relevant data.
  • Activity feed refers to content a user has interacted with through actions such as preview, upload, create, comment, open, modify,update, share, and shared-with-me.
  • Incremental syncs occurs every 15 minutes.

How to connect Asana to Dropbox Dash

  1. Open Dropbox Dash.
  2. Click Apps near the bottom of the left sidebar.
  3. Locate Asana in the apps list.
  4. Click the “” (add) on the right to connect the app.
  5. You’ll be prompted to select the account you want to connect and authenticate.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click Allow to continue.
  8. If the connection is successful, you’ll see a confirmation message at the bottom of the page.

How to check your connected apps

  1. To check your connected apps, open Dropbox Dash.
  2. Click Apps near the bottom of the left sidebar. Asana should display in the Added section.
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