Join the Dropbox mobile beta program

Updated Jan 15, 2025
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The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users.

If you’d like to test new Dropbox features before they’re released, you can download the beta version of the Dropbox mobile app. To do so, follow the instructions for your device below.

How to download the beta version of the Dropbox mobile app

To install the beta version of the Dropbox mobile app on your Android device, visit the beta testing sign-up page on the Google Play store using your device, and follow the on-screen instructions.

If you have auto-updates enabled in the Google Play store, then you'll automatically get new versions of the beta as they're released. Releases usually happen once per week.

To install the beta version of the Dropbox mobile app on your iOS device, download Apple’s app called TestFlight on your phone or tablet, then open this invitation link from your device and follow the on-screen instructions.
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  • Beta products haven't been subjected to the same reliability, availability, and security testing as other Dropbox products, so you may encounter issues like glitches or crashes.
  • You can uninstall the beta version and revert to the regular Dropbox mobile app at any time.
  • If the mobile beta program reaches capacity, wait a little and try to join again.

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