Protect and Control Dash Admin Guide

Updated Feb 27, 2025
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The information in this article applies to admins on Dropbox Dash accounts.

Reviewing permissions on company documents before and after rolling out Dash to your employees adds a layer of security to your company information.

Security is one of the main pillars of Dash for Business, and the built-in content visibility and remediations should be a key step in your Dash rollout. Dash data access governance currently supports Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Sharepoint and Teams documents, with more to come.

This article covers how to use the Dash for Business data access governance capabilities in the Protect and control section of the admin console and how you can use it to secure company information.

Dash data access governance overview

Data access governance for Dash provides admins with complete visibility, remediations, and a full action history log of changes made.

Dash security features allow you to view all document permissions across connectors. You can review documents shared internally, externally, or with open links.


After reviewing and confirming document permissions, you can take remediation actions to remove unnecessary or unauthorized access, such as removing external sharing access and permissions.

Action history

As actions are performed, admins can review an action history to see remediated items and their status.

Protect and control overview

Dash's Protect and control area provides complete visibility of document permissions across applications. You can access it by navigating to the admin console, where you can find a section called Protect and control within the Dash products menu.

The Protect and control section displays document permissions across any data access governance applications you've connected.


The Protect and control table provides more information about the items in your Workspace, including ownership information, document details, and sharing permissions.

Preset filters

Preset filters provide you with quick and easy access to standard document permission-sharing groupings, where you can quickly view items with a particular type of internal or external sharing.


The filters area lets you to granularly select the specific criteria by which you'd like to filter the table of results. Using filters in Dash lets you to fine-tune the criteria of the documents you're trying to remediate. Filters can help you narrow down based on a document's last modified date, type, the application it's in, who it's shared with, and more.

Viewing additional item details

Admins can view more information about a specific item within the Protect and control section. To view more details about an item, click on its name in the list of results.

  • Once clicked, a drawer opens up on the right side.
  • The drawer provides additional information about the item. In the item drawer view, you’ll see details such as owners, age, last modified date, and more.
  • Below the details section, you'll see an accounts section, which shows you more information about the accounts that have access and whether they're internal or external.

Remediation actions

When reviewing permissions, you might notice specific external access issues you want to remediate. Dash supports several remediation actions. Actions support modifying permissions on a single item or across many items at once.

Action history

After completing remediation actions in Dash, you can view the status of those actions by navigating to the Action history section. This section lets you see all actions and review exactly what permission changes were and weren’t successful.

Viewing an Action history entry

Each Action history entry is clickable so that you can see exactly which items had permission changes and which didn’t.

To quickly view an action history entry, click on the description of any action history entries.

  • Once clicked, a drawer will open up on the right side.
  • Additional details will be displayed, such as who performed the action and the details of the action taken.
  • Below the details section, you’ll see more information about all items that were part of the action taken. Here, you can see if the item(s) in the action were completed successfully or if there were any errors. Items with errors will list the item name and send an error message.
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