What are to-dos in Dropbox Paper?
The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users.
To-dos in Paper are things to do that you can assign to yourself or others. With to-dos, you can:
- Assign to-dos to yourself or others
- Add due dates to to-dos
- See all to-dos assigned to you or to-dos you assigned to others
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Assign things to do
You can create lists of things that need to be accomplished and assign these to-dos to yourself or your colleagues.
- Open or create a Paper doc.
- Type [] (left square bracket, then right square bracket).
- Write the thing you or a colleague needs to do next to the box that appears.
- @ (at) mention colleagues or yourself to assign specific to-dos.
- If you want to add a due date, click the calendar icon next to a to-do and choose the date when it's due.
Your colleagues will receive a notification for each to-do assigned to them.
See your things to do
To-dos appear in Things to do if:
- The to-do is assigned to you (you were @ (at) mentioned in the to-do)
- You created the to-do and added a due date, but it isn’t assigned to anyone
- You created the to-do in a doc that isn’t shared with anyone
- To-dos that you created and assigned to others
On dropbox.com
You can find your things to do by clicking the checkmark at the top of any Paper doc.
In the Things to do sidebar, you can:
- Complete, uncomplete, and set due dates for your to-dos
- See to-dos organized by date, by doc, or in your current doc.
You can filter your things to do by who the to-do is assigned to, and its status.
In the Paper mobile app
You can also see your things to do in the Paper mobile app:
- Open the Paper app.
- Tap To-dos.
- On iOS, tap the menu below Things to do to filter your to-dos.
- On Android, tap the menu next to Things to do to filter your to-dos.
In the To-dos tab in the Paper mobile app, you can:
- Complete, uncomplete, and set due dates for your to-dos
- See active to-dos for you and to-dos you assigned to other people
- See your complete to-dos
What happened to the tasks page in Paper?
When you click the checkbox that used to take you to the My Tasks page, you now see your Things to do in a sidebar, wherever you are in Paper.
Community answers
Posted by: bingwu123 1954 days ago