How to create and format a table in Dropbox Paper

Updated Dec 19, 2024
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The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users.

The easiest way to add a table to your Paper doc is to:

  1. Type “/table” into your doc (this is the quick-add commands feature).
  2. Add the desired number of rows and columns.
    • For example, if you want to create a table with 3 rows and 4 columns, you can type “/table 3x4”
  3. Press the Enter key.

Alternatively, you can create a table manually:

  1. Click into an empty line in your doc.
  2. Click the grid icon (Add table) in the grey icon menu that appears.

How to format your table in Paper

Add rows or columns

  1. Click anywhere in your table. Selectors will appear outside of your table.
  2. If you want to add a single column, click the + icon on the top of your table.
  3. If you want to add a single row, click the + icon to the left of your table.
  4. If you want to add multiple columns or rows, click and drag the + icon.

Delete rows or columns

  1. Click anywhere in the row or column you want to remove. Selectors will appear outside of your table.
  2. To delete a column, click the selector above it and click the trash can icon. 
  3. To delete a row, click the selector to the left of it and click the trash can icon.
  4. To delete mulitple rows or columns, hold Shift while you click mulitple selectors and click the trash can icon. 

Reorder rows or columns

  1. Click a cell in the row or column you want to reorder. Selectors will appear outside of your table.
  2. Click the selector of the row or column you want to move and drag it to the desired position. 

Add images

  1. Click anywhere in the cell you want to add an image to.
  2. Click the Add images icon in the menu that appears. 

Add a background color to a row or column

  1. Click anywhere in the row or column you want to change the color of. Selectors will appear outside of your table.
  2. To change the background color of a row, click the selector to the left of it and click the palette icon.
  3. To change the background color of a column, click the selector above it and click the palette icon. 
  4. To change the background color of multiple rows or columns, hold Shift while you click multiple selectors and click the palette icon.
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Note: Full-width tables are no longer supported. Instead, you can scroll your table horizontally.

How to sort a table in Paper

You can sort the columns in your table chronologically, alphabetically, or numerically. To do so:

  1. Convert the top row of your table into a header by clicking the selector to the left of the row and toggling the header button (Turn top header on/off).
  2. Click anywhere in the header cell of the column you want to sort. An arrow will appear inside the cell.
  3. Click the arrow to sort.
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Note: Sorting will permanently alter the contents of your table.

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