How to find Dropbox team members in the insights dashboard

Updated Feb 20, 2025
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This article describes a feature available for admins on Dropbox Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise plans.

If you're an admin for a Dropbox team, you can easily find the profiles of current members by using the search bar at the top of the Members tab in the insights dashboard of your admin console. Learn more about the insights dashboard.

How to find team member profiles

  1. Log in to using your admin credentials.
  2. Click Admin console in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Members.
  4. Enter the first name, last name, or email address of a member.
  5. Select the matching result from the list. 

You'll go right to the team member's profile page. Here, you can view the member's activity or take various actions such as add admin permissions, delete the team member, find other deleted members, delete invited members, and so on.

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