View Dash Team Activity in Admin Console

Updated Feb 27, 2025
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The information in this article applies to admins on Dropbox Dash accounts.

As admin, you may need to view team membership data or export a report of Dash activity for users on your team. This guide outlines the steps necessary to retrieve the relevant user data within the admin console.

How to view team membership data 

  1. Log in to using your admin credentials.
  2. Click Admin console.
  3. Click Members.
  4. Within the Members tab, search for the specific user by their name or email address.
  5. Click on the user’s name to open their profile. You'll have access to the following information:
    • First Name, Last Name, Email: The user’s basic contact information.
    • Role: The user’s role within the organization, this includes: member, team admin, user management admin, or support admin.
    • Status: The current status of the user’s account this includes: active, invited, deleted, or suspended.
    • Usage: Activity data, updated every 8 hours at a minimum, reflecting the user’s engagement with the system.
    • Join Date: The date the user joined the organization.
    • Invited Date: The date the user was invited to join the organization.
    • Organization Managed Groups: A list of groups managed by the organization to which the user belongs.
    • User Managed Groups: A list of groups that the user manages.

This information should provide a comprehensive overview of the user's account and activity. 

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Note: Team members’ actions typically appear in activity logs within a few hours, and no later than 24 hours.

How to export Dash activity and stack reports

To export a report on a user’s activity and stacks, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to using your admin credentials.
  2. Click Admin console.
  3. Click Activity.
  4. Use the filters to select the type of activity events or stacks and time period to retrieve the data you’d like to export.
  5. Click Create report to the right of your filters.
    • Select the type of report you want to generate.
  6. Click Generate.

Admins have the following events, including stack events, available in their team activity reports:

  • The names of all stacks created by the user
  • The creation dates for each stack
  • Links to the items contained within each stack
  • Opened, created, or deleted a stack
  • Share status of stacks and links
  • Status of a stack (archived, unarchived, or deleted)
  • Connected to or disconnected from a user connector
  • Opened the web start page for the first time
  • Opened desktop app for the first time
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