Uploading to Dropbox: how to add files and folders to your Dropbox account

Updated Jan 22, 2025
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The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users.

You can upload files and folders to your Dropbox account on dropbox.com and the Dropbox desktop app. Each file or folder uploaded on dropbox.com can be up to 350 GB. Each file or folder uploaded on the Dropbox desktop app can be up to 2 TB.

You can also upload files with the Dropbox mobile app.

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Tip: If you’re uploading files larger than 350 GB, we recommend downloading the Dropbox desktop app on your computer and uploading your file from there. You can also compress the file to reduce the file size to under 350 GB, and then upload it via dropbox.com. Learn more about Dropbox file size limits.

Upload files and folders to your Dropbox account

  1. Log in to dropbox.com.
  2. Click Upload or drop under the search bar at the top.
  3. Click File, Folder, or Import from Google Drive:
    • If you choose File, select as many files as you like, and click Open.
    • If you choose Folder, select a folder, and click Upload.
    • If you choose Import from Google Drive, choose a location to upload to, connect your Google account, select files from Google Drive, and click Upload

On the Dropbox desktop app

  1. Open the Dropbox folder in File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac).
  2. Locate the files or folders you’d like to add, then drag and drop, or copy and paste them into the open Dropbox folder.
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  • You can also save new or existing files directly into the Dropbox folder.
  • Files in the Dropbox folder on your computer automatically sync everywhere you access your files in Dropbox, including dropbox.com and the Dropbox mobile app.

Video Thumbnail

Watch this video for a quick overview of how to upload and download files in Dropbox.

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