Switch the email addresses between personal and work accounts

Updated Jan 15, 2025
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The information in this article applies to customers on Dropbox Standard, Business, Advanced, Business Plus, and Enterprise.

To switch the email addresses linked to your personal and work accounts, you'll need to use a third email address as a placeholder.

In both sets of instructions, we'll call the email address linked to your personal account "Email A." The email linked to your work account will be called "Email B." The third, placeholder email address you'll need to use to swap Email A and Email B will be called "Email C."

If you're an admin on a Dropbox team account:

  1. Log in to dropbox.com and change the email linked to your personal account from Email A to the placeholder Email C.
  2. Click your name or avatar at the top of any page.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click the Account tab.
  5. Next to Email A, choose Change email.
  6. Enter Email C, confirm the email, and enter your password.
  7. Click Update email.
  8. Once you've changed the email, Email A will be released.
  9. Following the same steps above, next log into your business account (Email B) and change the email linked to your business account from Email B to Email A.
  10. Finally, log out of your business account and back into your personal account (Email C). From there, you can change the email linked to your personal account from Email C to Email B.

If you're a member on a Dropbox team account:

  1. Log in to dropbox.com and with your personal account (Email A).
  2. Click your name or avatar at the top of any page.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click the Account tab.
  5. Next to Email A, choose Change email.
  6. Enter Email C, confirm the email, and enter your password.
  7. Click Update email.
  8. Once you've changed the email, Email A will be released.
  9. Contact your administrator to change your business email address from Email B to Email A (members on Dropbox team accounts can’t change email addresses on team accounts).
  10. The admin will need to follow these steps:
    1. Log in to dropbox.com.
    2. Click Admin console.
    3. Click the team member's name.
    4. Click Change beside the current email address and enter the new one (Email C).
  11. Once these changes have been made, you can change your personal email address from Email C to Email B by following the instructions in step one above.
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