How to change the currency on your Dropbox subscription

Updated Jun 28, 2024
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The information in this article applies to customers on all Dropbox accounts unless specified otherwise.

Your currency is based on the billing address that you first used to purchase a Dropbox subscription.

If your billing address has changed, you can take one of the following actions:

  • If your new billing address uses a different currency, you must cancel your current Dropbox subscription and resubscribe with your new address to change your currency.
    • Note: If you downgrade your Dropbox Advanced subscription and then upgrade it again, any grandfathered storage add-ons that haven’t been paid for will be lost upon downgrade or upgrade. You can view your storage add-ons under the Billing tab in your admin console. These unpaid grandfathered storage add-ons will show an expiration date.
  • If your new billing address uses the same currency, you can update your billing information in your account settings.
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