How to install Dropbox Capture

Updated Feb 20, 2025
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The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users.

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Important note: As of March 24, 2025, Dropbox Capture will be discontinued. You won’t be able install the application, or access it through Learn more about this deprecation.

Dropbox Capture is a tool for users to create and communicate with screenshots, screen and audio recordings, and video messages.

How to install Dropbox Capture

To install Dropbox Capture:

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to
  3. Click Download.
  4. After Capture has downloaded, launch the file to begin the installation.
  5. Complete the installation flow. 
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Note: You can change any of these settings after installation. Learn more about saving screenshots with Dropbox Capture.

  1. When Capture has installed, click the Dropbox Capture icon (diamond-shaped lens) in your taskbar (Windows) or the menu bar (Mac) to open the app.

When you first open Dropbox Capture, you’ll need to sign in using your Dropbox username and password. If you’re already logged into the Dropbox desktop app, you'll be automatically logged into Capture under this account.

Once opened, you can click “⁝” (vertical ellipsis) in the upper-right corner to access updates, preferences, product updates, help, and more.

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Note: For those having issues installing Dropbox Capture on Windows, we recommend checking for system updates, then resetting your computer and attempting to install again. Alternatively, install Dropbox Capture from the Microsoft Store.

How to update Dropbox Capture

Windows users can close and relaunch Capture to update or click here to reinstall the application.

Mac users can click “⁝” (vertical ellipsis) in the top-right corner of the app and select Check for updates.

How to customize keyboard shortcuts for Dropbox Capture

To access or edit keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Open the Dropbox Capture desktop app.
  2. Click “⁝” (vertical ellipsis) in the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Select Preferences.
  4. Click Shortcuts at the top of the menu.

How to change the theme of Dropbox Capture

By default, the theme of Dropbox Capture will automatically match your computer. To change the theme to Light or Dark:

  1. Open the Dropbox Capture desktop app.
  2. Click “⁝” (vertical ellipsis) in the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Select Preferences.
  4. Click the dropdown next to Theme to select an option.

How to add Dropbox Capture to your Windows taskbar

To add Capture to your Windows taskbar for quick access:

  1. Open Dropbox Capture.
  2. Click “⁝” (vertical ellipsis) in the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Select Preferences.
  4. Toggle on Show in taskbar.

How to add Dropbox Capture to your macOS Dock

To add Capture to your macOS Dock for quick access:

  1. Open Dropbox Capture.
  2. Click “⁝” (vertical ellipsis) in the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Select Preferences.
  4. Toggle on Show in dock.

How to enable or disable captions for videos you create

You can add auto-generated closed captions to any videos you create using Dropbox Capture. Closed captions make your content more accessible to viewers, including those with hearing disabilities or who can’t play audio. 

When you enable or disable captions, you’re enabling/disabling captions for all of your Dropbox Capture videos. To enable/disable captions for your videos:

  1. Open the Dropbox Capture desktop app.
  2. Click the “⁝” (vertical ellipsis) in the top-right.
  3. Click Preferences
  4. Toggle Generate closed captions on/off.
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Note: If you’re on a Dropbox team account and you don’t see the Generate closed captions setting, your admin has disabled captions.

How to turn captions on or off for videos you watch

When you’re watching a video, click CC in the lower right corner of the video player to turn captions on or off.

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Note: In order to view captions, the person who created the video must have had Generate closed captions on at the time of recording.

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