Why has my Dropbox account been disabled?

Updated Jun 04, 2024

Our mission is to design a more enlightened way of working, which requires creating an environment people can trust. To do this, we seek to ensure the protection of individual safety and legal rights.

What behaviour is considered unaccepatable on Dropbox?

Our Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy describe the types of behavior that are unacceptable on Dropbox. We won't tolerate content or activity that puts our users at risk.

We have a highly-trained team dedicated to enforcing our policies and will take swift action when a user has violated them.  

We'll disable accounts and terminate service for abusive behavior or for creating, storing or sharing illegal or egregious content, particularly when it risks or depicts harm to others.

What type of behaviour will result in a disabled Dropbox account?

Some of the common types of abhorrent content or behavior which violate Dropbox policies and can lead to an account being disabled include: 

  • Malware, phishing, or spam.
  • Child sexual exploitation and abuse material, including illegal child sexual abuse material or any content which sexually exploits minors (in accordance with US law, when Dropbox becomes aware of apparent child sexual abuse material on our Services, we'll make a report to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children).
  • Extreme acts of violence or terrorism activity, including the promotion of such activity.
  • Malicious activity that interferes with or disrupts any user, host, or network.

When an account is disabled, all access to the account and content on Dropbox is terminated.

How to request a review of an account disable

Our team takes extreme care in enforcing our policies. If you think we made a mistake in disabling your account, you can ask us to review your account by filling out this form.

A note about team accounts

Admins can disable team accounts and delete members from their teams.

If you’re on a team and your account was disabled, please first contact your admin

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