How to use Dropbox Replay with Adobe Premiere Pro
Dropbox Replay is available to all Dropbox users.
Dropbox Replay is a rich media review and approval tool that allows collaborators to mark up, comment, and finalize video, image, and audio projects. With the Dropbox Replay plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro, you can use the functions of Replay within Premiere Pro, such as adding comments and uploading file versions that sync to both applications.
How to download and install the Dropbox Replay extension for Adobe Premiere Pro
Note: You must have a Dropbox account in order to use the Dropbox Replay extension for Adobe Premiere Pro. Create a free Dropbox account at
To download and install the Dropbox Replay extension to Adobe Premiere Pro:
- Open the Dropbox Replay listing in Adobe Exchange in your web browser or from the Creative Cloud app on your desktop.
- Click Free to download the extension.
- When the download is complete, you'll be prompted to install the extension.
- Click Install.
- Close and restart Adobe Premiere Pro to use the extension.
How to connect Dropbox Replay to Adobe Premiere Pro
After downloading and installing the Dropbox Replay extension, you’ll need to log in to Dropbox through Adobe Premiere Pro.
To connect Dropbox Replay in Adobe Premiere Pro:
- Open Adobe Premiere Pro.
- Click Window in the menu bar.
- Hover over Extensions.
- Click Dropbox Replay.
- A Dropbox Replay window will appear in the upper left.
- Click Sign In.
- Sign in using your Dropbox credentials.
After the extension is installed and connected, click Window in the menu bar, hover over Workspaces, then click Save Changes to this Workplace. This will ensure you don’t have to repeat this process the next time you launch Premiere Pro.
For information on how to disable or remove extensions in Adobe Premiere Pro, reference the Adobe Help Center.
How to upload files to Dropbox Replay from Adobe Premiere Pro
To upload files to Dropbox Replay from Premiere Pro:
- Open the Dropbox Replay extension in Adobe Premiere Pro.
- Click Add files.
- Select Add from Dropbox, Upload from local drive, Upload Active Sequence, or Google Drive from the dropdown list.
- You can multi-select files from Dropbox or your local drive, but only upload one file at a time from Google Drive.
- Select the file or files you’d like to upload.
- Click Add or Open.
Once uploaded, you’ll see an Upload Successful! notification.
- If you make an edit in your timeline, you can add the edited version with Upload Active Sequence.
- You can cancel uploads that are in progress by clicking Cancel next to the file name in the upload drawer at the bottom of the Replay window.
- Local uploads that are canceled or fail to upload can be retried by clicking Retry next to the file name in the upload drawer at the bottom of the Replay window. This is not available for Dropbox or Google Drive files.
- If you’ve reached your uploads limit, you’ll see an Out of uploads error message when you try to upload a file.
How to upload an active sequence to Dropbox Replay from Adobe Premiere Pro
To upload an active sequence to Dropbox Replay from Premiere Pro:
- Open the Dropbox Replay extension in Adobe Premiere Pro.
- Complete edits in the timeline window.
- Click Add files.
- Click Upload Active Sequence from the dropdown list.
- Customize the video settings from the Upload Active Sequence menu that appears.
- Click Select folder next to Render location.
- Select the folder you’d like to upload to.
- Click Open.
- To include comments, click the checkboxes for Auto sync comments as markers and Import markers as comments.
- Click Upload.
Once uploaded, you’ll see an Upload Successful! notification.
Note: Adobe Media Encoder program window will automatically open to compress the active sequence video and upload it to Dropbox Replay.
The active sequence video will automatically open in the Dropbox Replay extension inside Adobe Premiere Pro.
How to upload files to projects in Dropbox Replay from Adobe Premiere Pro
To upload files to projects in Dropbox Replay from Premiere Pro:
- Open the Dropbox Replay extension in Adobe Premiere Pro.
- Open the project you want to upload files to.
- Click Add files.
- If you create a new project, click Add files or Drop your files or click here.
- Select Add from Dropbox, Upload, Upload Active Sequence, or Google Drive from the dropdown list.
- You can multi-select files from Dropbox or your local drive, but only upload one file at a time from Google Drive.
- Select the file or files you’d like to upload.
- Click Add or Open.
Once uploaded, you’ll see an Upload Successful! notification.
- You can upload more than one file at a time to Replay projects, by multi-selecting files from your local drive or Dropbox. You can only upload one file at a time from Google Drive.
- To cancel uploads that are in progress, click Cancel next to the file name in the upload drawer at the bottom of the Replay window.
- Local uploads that are canceled or fail to upload can be retried by clicking Retry next to the file name in the drawer at the bottom of the Replay window. This is not available for Dropbox or Google Drive files.
- If you’ve reached your uploads limit, you’ll see an Out of uploads error message when you try to upload a file.
How to upload a folder to Dropbox Replay from Adobe Premiere Pro
To upload a folder to Dropbox Replay from Premiere Pro:
- Open the Dropbox Replay extension in Adobe Premiere Pro.
- Click Add folder.
- Select Add from Dropbox, Upload, or Upload Active Sequence from the dropdown list.
- Select the folder you’d like to upload.
- Click Add or Open.
Once uploaded, you’ll see an Upload Successful! notification.
How to import Dropbox Replay comments to Adobe Premiere Pro
You can import existing Dropbox Replay comments to Adobe Premiere Pro.
To import comments from Replay to Premiere Pro:
- Open your file in Adobe Premiere Pro.
- Open the file with comments in the Replay extension.
- Click the “…” (ellipsis) at the top-right of the Replay window.
- Click Import comments. You’ll be prompted to connect the audio or video with the active sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro.
- Click the checkbox to Auto sync comments as markers into the Premiere Pro timeline.
- Click Confirm.
You can click any of the comment markers to view and reply to comments. All new comments will also appear in Dropbox Replay.
- You can disable the automatic syncing of comments by clicking the “…” (ellipsis) in the Replay window, then clicking Disable auto sync comments.
- When importing comments from Replay to Adobe Premiere Pro, users can only import comments from the current version of a file.
- If you check the box beside Import markers as comments when adding a new version from Adobe Premiere Pro to Replay, only new markers added in Adobe Premiere Pro will be imported. Comments that were originally imported from Replay will not be imported back into Replay, even if they were edited in Adobe Premiere Pro.
How to add comments to Dropbox Replay files in Adobe Premiere Pro
You can add new comments or respond to existing Dropbox Replay comments directly from Adobe Premiere Pro. You can also add comments with drawings on video, audio, or image files.
To add comments to Replay files in Adobe Premiere Pro:
- Open the Dropbox Replay extension in Premiere Pro.
- Open your file in the Replay window.
- For audio and video: Drag and drop the playhead or click on the timeline to select the frame you’d like to comment on.
- Click the pencil icon to draw on an image, audio, or video frame.
- Click Comment in the lower right, in the Replay window.
- Type your comment in the feedback box or select a quick reaction (the emojis with pre-filled text) on the right side of the feedback box.
- Click Post.
Your drawing, annotation, and comment will appear at the timeframe you selected in both Adobe Premiere Pro and Dropbox Replay timelines. Other collaborators can respond to your comments in Dropbox Replay by clicking Reply.
Note: You can edit your comments by clicking the “⁝” (vertical ellipsis), then Edit. You can also resolve comments by clicking the circle icon next to the comment.
How to create and delete Dropbox Replay versions in Adobe Premiere Pro
Create a new version in Replay while in Adobe Premiere Pro
To create a new version in Replay while in Adobe Premiere Pro:
- Open the Dropbox Replay extension in Premiere Pro.
- Open the file you’d like to edit in the Replay window.
- In the Replay window, click V[#] (Versions) dropdown arrow.
- Note: If you’ve never created or uploaded a new version before, the versions menu will say V1.
- Click New version.
- Select Dropbox, Local drive, Upload Active Sequence, or Google Drive:
- If you select Dropbox, Local drive, or Google Drive, navigate to the file you’d like to upload, then click it.
- If you select Upload Active Sequence, enter a name, choose an export preset, select an export range, and select a render location.
- Click Add, Open, or Upload, depending on your selection.
- Click Add or Open.
Delete a version of a file in Replay while in Adobe Premiere Pro
To delete a version of a file in Replay while in Adobe Premiere Pro:
- Open the Dropbox Replay extension in Premiere Pro.
- Open the file you’d like to edit in the Replay window.
- Click the “…” (ellipsis) in the Replay window.
- To delete a single version of a file, select Delete this version, then click Delete v[#].
- To delete all versions of the file, select Delete all versions.
If you delete all versions, all versions of that file, including its shared links and comments, are deleted.
If you delete a single version of a file, only that version, including its shared links and comments, is deleted.
Community answers
Posted by: axspivey 216 days ago
Posted by: Erin_Margaret 694 days ago
Posted by: NathanL 1087 days ago