Scan documents using the Dropbox mobile app
The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users, unless otherwise stated.
Note: The Dropbox Scan app has been removed from the iOS App Store. If you currently have it installed on your iOS mobile device, you can continue to use it, but it'll no longer be supported.
To scan documents on a mobile device, use the document scanning feature in the Dropbox mobile app.
How to scan a new file to your Dropbox account
To scan a new file to your Dropbox account:
- Open the Dropbox app on your mobile device.
- Tap the icon.
- Tap Scan Document.
- Take a picture of the content you’d like to scan.
- If desired, make edits or scan additional pages.
- Tap Next.
- If desired, adjust the save settings.
- Tap Save.
- Open the Dropbox app on your mobile device.
- Tap the icon.
- Tap Scan Document.
- Either take a picture of the content you’d like to scan, or select an existing image on your mobile device.
- To redo a scan, tap Retake.
- If desired, make edits or scan additional pages.
- You can crop, rotate, or add a filter to the image, as well as add, delete, or rearrange the order of scanned pages.
- Tap Next.
- If desired, adjust the save settings.
- Tap Save.
Watch this video for a quick overview of how to use the document scanner.
Not using Dropbox yet? Learn all about the doc scanner.
How to convert an image in your Dropbox account to a scan
Note: The image must be a .jpg, .jpeg, or .png to convert to a scan.
To convert an image in your Dropbox account to a scan:
- Open the Dropbox app on your mobile device.
- Tap next to the name of the file you’d like to convert to a scan.
- Tap Save as Scan.
- If desired, make edits or scan additional pages.
- Tap Next.
- If desired, adjust the save settings.
- Tap Save.
Note: You can save a single-page scan as a .pdf or .png. Multi-page scans must be saved as a .pdf.
How to edit, arrange, add, and delete pages in a scan
After your scan is created, you’ll have the option to adjust the scan from the Edit screen. Within Edit view, you can make the following adjustments:
- To add additional pages to your scan, tap Add page.
- Note: Multi-page scans can only be saved as .pdf files.
- To edit your scan or add a filter, tap the icon with the three sliders at the bottom of the screen.
- You can crop, rotate, and add either a black-and-white or whiteboard filter to your scan.
- To reorder the pages of your scan, tap Arrange (beside Edit) and long press a page to drag and reorder it.
- To delete pages of your scan, tap the page you want to remove, tap Delete, and then Delete again.
Tips for a better scan
If you choose to take a picture, point your camera at the object you want to scan. A border outlines the shape you’re scanning. Make sure:
- Your document isn't crumpled
- There's no glare on what you’re photographing
- You hold your device directly above what you’re photographing
- To include only what you want to scan
For Dropbox Professional, Essentials, Standard, Business, Advanced, Business Plus, and Enterprise customers
Dropbox Professional, Essentials, Standard, Business, Advanced, Business Plus, and Enterprise customers can search the contents of scanned documents in their Dropbox account (see supported file types below). Dropbox Standard, Business, Advanced, Business Plus, and Enterprise customers who've linked their work and personal accounts also have access to full-text search for their personal account.
The following content types are supported:
- Documents written in English
- Typed documents
The following content types aren't supported:
- Scans created by a third-party document scanner
- Documents written in a language other than English
- Handwritten documents
- File types other than .pdf
- Documents with overly stylized text
Community answers
Posted by: _reinhard_ 93 days ago
Posted by: Linuschibros 86 days ago
Posted by: axspivey 216 days ago