File and folder icons, symbols, and colors
The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users.
This is a glossary of icons, symbols, and colors that appear on your files and folders in your Dropbox account.
If you’re looking for a different icon that isn’t listed here, check this article on sync icons.
Camera uploads folderA blue folder with a camera and up arrow is the camera uploads folder. If you enable the camera uploads feature on your mobile device, this is where pictures and videos are stored. Learn more about camera uploads. |
Regular folderA plain, blue folder with no icon is a regular Dropbox folder. These aren’t shared with anyone. You can use them to store files and other folders. Learn how to create and use Dropbox folders. |
Restricted folderA blue folder with a diagonal line inside a circle is a restricted folder. Restricted folders are only available to Dropbox teams. While most folders inside team folders are shared with the whole team, restricted folders are only shared with certain team members. Learn more about restricted folders. |
Shared folderA blue folder with a symbol of people is a shared folder. On and the mobile app, the symbol has two people. On the desktop app, it has three. A shared folder is a folder that you’ve shared with others or that others have shared with you. Learn how to share folders with others. |
Team folderA blue folder with a symbol of two buildings on them are team folders. Team folders are only available to Dropbox teams and are created by an admin. Learn more about team folders. |
Team member folderA blue folder with a person on it is a team member folder. Team member folders are only available to members of Dropbox teams with the team space folder structure. Learn more about the team space and team member folders. |
Encrypted team folderA blue folder with a key inside a shield icon on it is an encrypted team folder. Encrypted team folders are a type of folder that can only be accessed and decrypted by authorized users. Learn more about encrypted team folders. |
Traversal rights folderA blue folder with two buildings and a lock in the upper right-hand corner on it is a traversal rights folder. Traversal rights folders are available to members of Dropbox teams and allow members partial access to specified items within the folder, but not to the entire folder and its contents. |
API app folderA blue folder with a puzzle piece is an API app folder. API app folders contain third-party extensions added to your account by an admin. These folders can’t be shared and can’t contain shared folders. Learn how to manage third-party apps on Dropbox. |
Shortcut to a webpageA file with an arrow in the bottom corner is a shortcut to a webpage. If there’s no other icon that can be used from the webpage, the file will have a globe icon on it. Learn more about storing shortcuts to webpages in Dropbox. |
Unidentified file typeA file with a UFO on it is an unidentified file type. To make it identifiable to Dropbox, add the appropriate file extension. For example, if the file is a JPG, add “.jpg” to the filename. Learn how to rename a file. |
Locked fileA file with a lock icon in the corner is a locked file. You can lock a file to keep others from editing it. Learn how to lock or unlock a file. |
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Community answers
Posted by: stephbg 122 days ago
Posted by: HerbalTea 142 days ago
Posted by: GABRIEL D.2 225 days ago