Learn about Dropbox security features and how to protect your account
Managing passwords
Managing team security
Manage your team with Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Admins
How to resolve the following error message: “Could not validate SAML assertion.” Admins
How to require multi-factor authentication Admins
Add an admin from other team to manage your team Admins
Dropbox data classification Admins
How to manage data retention policies for your team Admins
Change admin rights for your Dropbox team Admins
Customize security for your Dropbox team Admins
Password control for Dropbox team accounts Admins
Manage legal holds for your Dropbox team account Admins
Network control Admins
How to suspend a Dropbox team member Admins
How to enable single sign-on for your team Admins
Web session control: an overview Admins
Sign in as your Dropbox Advanced or Enterprise team members Admins
Dropbox security alerts and notifications Admins
Protecting your account
Accessing Dropbox from a new location
If you get a password or email change notification but didn't reset it yourself
What should I do if I think my account was hacked?
Dropbox team accounts and Windows Information Protection
Dropbox Passwords security dashboard
View your devices and log out remotely
Dropbox Passwords breach monitoring
Set a four-digit passcode on a phone or tablet
What official domains does Dropbox use?
How to protect yourself from phishing and viruses
Can a password protect Dropbox on my computer?
Troubleshoot corrupted or renamed files
Troubleshoot corrupted or renamed files Admins
Dash Chrome Extension Admins
Service Account Recommendations for SaaS Service Integrations Admins
Securing your data
Security policies
The Dropbox Privacy Policy: frequently asked questions
Where is my Dropbox data stored?
How Dropbox responds to legal requests for information
Dropbox Incident Response Procedures
Who can see the stuff in my Dropbox account?
Dropbox Terms of Service and Privacy Policy updates