How to use Dropbox in Microsoft Teams

Updated Feb 28, 2024
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This article describes a feature available to customers on all Dropbox plans. 

The Microsoft Teams Dropbox app allows you to share and upload files to Dropbox and preview all file types without leaving Microsoft Teams. 

Access your Dropbox files directly in Microsoft Teams when you add the Dropbox app. Any Dropbox user can add the Dropbox app in their Microsoft Teams account. When you add the Dropbox app, you can:

  • Collaborate with Dropbox shared folder members in Microsoft Teams
  • Open Dropbox and Office files in your Dropbox folder using Microsoft Teams
  • Add Dropbox folders to channels on Microsoft Teams

Learn more about the system requirements you need to use Dropbox with Microsoft Teams

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Note: We recommend using the Dropbox App with Microsoft Teams. The Classic Teams version is no longer supported.

How to add the Dropbox app

Quickly access your Dropbox files without leaving the Microsoft app. You can share files with your team without being in a channel or chat. 

To add the Dropbox app:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click Apps in the left sidebar.
    • If you don’t see the Dropbox app, enter “Dropbox” in the search bar and press Enter or Return on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass.
  3. Click Add in the Dropbox box. 
  4. Click Add in the window that appears. If you click the down arrow next to Add, you can choose if you’d like to add the Dropbox app to a team, chat, or meeting.
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Note: Right-click the Dropbox app in the left sidebar to pin the app’s location. You can reorder pins by dragging and dropping icons.

How to remove the Dropbox app

To remove the Dropbox app:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click your avatar.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Select the Apps tab. 
  5. Click the  > icon next to the Microsoft Teams app and click Disconnect.
  1. Open Microsoft Teams. 
  2. Right-click on the Dropbox tab in the left sidebar. 
  3. Select Uninstall from the dropdown menu. 
  4. Click Remove

How to upload files to your Dropbox

You can upload files to your Dropbox account and share them at the same time, without leaving the Microsoft Teams app.

To upload files to Dropbox:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click Dropbox in the left sidebar.
  3. Open a folder location and click Upload.
  4. Drag and drop files to upload. 
    • You can also click in the location, select the file to upload and click Open.

How to add and share Dropbox files in chat messages

You can add and share Dropbox files and file links in chat messages instead of just channels in Microsoft Teams. 

To share files in chat:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams. 
  2. Click Chat in the left sidebar.
  3. Open the chat you want to share files in. 
  4. Click the “” (ellipsis) at the bottom of your message window.
  5. Click Dropbox app. 
  6. Click the file you wish to share. 
    • A thumbnail of your file will appear with Preview and Open in Dropbox buttons in your chat message. 
  7. Click Send arrow to share the file in your conversation.

To get a link to your file: 

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click Dropbox in the left sidebar.
  3. Choose the file or folder you want a link to.
  4. Select Copy link.

A Microsoft Teams link will copy to your clipboard.

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Note: If you paste this link into a browser, recipients will need to sign in to Office Online to view the file.

How to add a Dropbox tab to a channel

To add a Dropbox tab: 

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click Teams in the left sidebar.
  3. Select the team channel you want to add a Dropbox tab to.
  4. Click plus sign (plus sign icon) to right of the channel title.
  5. Click Add a tab, and select Dropbox or type “Dropbox” in the search bar at the top right.
  6. In the Dropbox box that appears, select a shared folder to be the default folder for everyone in the conversation.
    • Note: Uncheck the checkbox at the bottom if you don’t want the Dropbox tab posted in the channel. 
  7. Click Save.

How to preview files in a chat message

Your recipients can preview Dropbox files you send no matter what type of file it is. 

To preview a Dropbox file:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click Chat in the left sidebar.
  3. Select the chat you want to preview.
  4. Click the Preview button in the chat message sent to you.
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Note: You can also view the file in your Dropbox by clicking the Open in Dropbox button in the chat message.

How to manage Microsoft Teams for your team 

Admins can automatically:

Admins can also add Dropbox to all their Teams channels using Dropbox’s admin console. To do so:

  1. Log in to your admin console on
  2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
  3. Go to App permissions in the Settings.
  4. Click the Other apps tab.
  5. Select Allow from the dropdown menu.
  6. Check the box next to Dropbox for Microsoft Teams app.
  7. Click Edit Preferences.
  8. Click Add to all channels.
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