What are the age requirements for using Dropbox?
The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users.
To stay in compliance with legal regulations, Dropbox users may be required to enter their date of birth. Until you provide your information, you cannot access your account or its content.
The age requirements to use Dropbox vary by location.
- If you’re in the United States: You must be 13 or older.
- If you’re outside the United States: You must be 16 or older.
Note: Depending on where you live, there may be laws or regulations that require you to be older for Dropbox to legally provide services to you without parental consent. In those cases, you must be that age.
Once you reach the required age in your location, you can create a new Dropbox account.
What happens if I don’t meet the age requirement?
If your entered date of birth doesn’t meet the age requirement for Dropbox:
- Your account will be deleted in 48 hours, and you’ll receive an email and a notification confirming this.
- During that time, you can download the contents of your account in 2 ways:
- After 48 hours, you’ll be logged out of all Dropbox apps. You won’t be able to log in again.
- Your account will be deleted in accordance with our retention policy.
What will happen if I’m a Family plan manager?
If you’re a Dropbox Family plan manager that doesn’t meet the age requirement:
- The plan will be disabled after 48 hours.
- Everyone of age on the account will be downgraded to a free Dropbox Basic account.
- After 48 hours, you’ll be logged out of all Dropbox apps. You won’t be able to log in again.
- Your account will be deleted in accordance with our retention policy.
What if I already paid for a subscription?
If you’ve paid for your subscription through Dropbox:
- The remainder of your subscription term will be refunded to your original form of payment.
If you purchased your subscription from the Apple App Store:
- You’ll need to cancel your Apple subscription to avoid being billed.
- You can also request a refund directly from Apple.
What if I entered the wrong date of birth?
If you entered your date of birth incorrectly:
- Contact Dropbox support within 30 days to have your account reactivated.
- Our support team will ask you to provide proof of your date of birth.
- After your information is verified, you’ll be notified through email when your account has been reactivated.
Community answers
Posted by: Steve R.8 234 days ago
Posted by: Riley R. 289 days ago
Posted by: Armstrong69 51 days ago