iMessage integration

Updated Dec 18, 2023

You can quickly access and share your Dropbox files from the Messages app on your iOS device.

Add the Dropbox application to Messages

  1. Open the Messages app on your iOS device.
  2. Open an existing message or create a message.
  3. Tap the A application icon.
  4. Tap the grid icon on the bottom-left corner.
  5. Tap Store to add a new third-party app to Messages.
  6. Tap Manage and toggle the Dropbox switch to the on position.

Share a file

  1. Open the Messages app on your iOS device.
  2. Open an existing message or create a message.
  3. Tap the "A" application icon.
  4. Tap the Dropbox logo to open the Dropbox app within Messages.
  5. Navigate to the file you want to share and tap to select.
  6. Send the file by tapping the up arrow.

Receiving a file

If a file is shared using the iMessage integration, a preview of the file shows in your default messaging app. If the Dropbox application is installed on your device, tapping on this preview opens the file natively in Dropbox. If the Dropbox application is not installed, the preview opens on in your default web browser. You can add the file to your Dropbox from the preview.

Frequently asked questions

Will this work with Android?

You can receive files on your Android device, but you cannot send them.

Do I need the Dropbox app installed to send a file using this integration?

Yes, you do.

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