How to create a member data report
This article describes a feature available to certain types of admins on Dropbox Business and Business Plus.
Member data reports show the amount of information each individual team member has access to, as well as how much storage space they’re using. The report includes a list with a single row for each team member.
Who can create a member data report?
The following admins can generate this type of report:
- Team admins
- User management admins
- Reporting admins
- Security admins
What’s included in a member data report?
The member data report includes a column for each of the following:
- First name
- Last name
- Email address
- Role: If the person is an admin, this column will show their particular admin role such as “Compliance admin”. If they’re not an admin, it’ll say “Member”.
- Status: The different statuses are active, invited, deleted, or suspended.
- Usage (in MB): This is updated every 8 hours and shows the amount of data a member is using, including personal files, backup usage, and folders they’ve added from external teams.
- Note: Adding up this number for each member might not equal the total storage number. If multiple members add the same external folder to their personal folder, the external folder is only counted once against storage but it’ll show up in each member’s used data in this report.
- Space limit: This is the storage limit the member has been granted by their team admin.
- Join date: The date when the member joined the team.
- Invite date: The date when the member was originally invited. This only shows if the invite is still pending.
- Company-managed groups: This lists all of the groups the member is a part of that are managed by the organization.
- User-managed groups: This lists the groups the member is a part of that are managed by members.
- Two-step verification: Whether it’s required or not.
- Volume of data member has access to: This shows the total amount of data that the member has access to. This doesn’t represent their data usage.
- Total number of files member has access to: The total number of files that the member has access to across internal and external sources.
- Number of personal files member has: The number of files that the member has in their personal folder.
- Number of root team folders member has access to: The number of root team folders that the member has access to.
- Number of external shared folders member has access to: The number of shared folders from external teams or users that the member has access to.
- Number of internally shared folders member has access to: The number of internally-shared folders that the member has access to.
Note: The report may include additional items depending on a team’s specific settings.
How to create a member data report:
To export member data as a .csv file:
- Log in to with your admin credentials.
- Click Admin console.
- Click Members in the left sidebar.
- Click “…” (ellipsis) More options.
- Click Export member data.
- Click Start export.
After it’s generated, the report will appear in your Dropbox folder titled “Dropbox Business reports”. It’ll be named “YYYY-MM-DD/Team Name/Member Data”. No one else will be able to access it, unless you share it with them. You’ll also receive an email once the report is ready.
Note: For large teams, it may take some time to generate the report. If you don’t receive a report after an hour, please try re-generating the report.
Learn more about admin reports
How to create a Member Access report
Community answers
Posted by: cas_rds 112 days ago
Posted by: Hen4 554 days ago
Posted by: Leon_NAM 902 days ago