How to use the Enterprise console for admins

Updated Sep 17, 2024
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This article discusses a feature that is only available to customers on Dropbox Enterprise.

The Enterprise console allows Enterprise admins to manage multiple Enterprise teams all in one place. To open the Enterprise admin console, log in to with your admin credentials, and click Enterprise console in the left-side column.
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This feature is only available to Dropbox team admins on the Enterprise plan who have set up the Enterprise admin console with their Customer Success Manager at Dropbox.


If you’re an Enterprise team admin and you’d like to set up the Enterprise console, contact your Customer Success Manager.


If you’d like to learn more about the regular admin console for Dropbox teams, visit this article.

In the Enterprise console, you’ll see four different tabs for managing different aspects of your team and their activity: TeamsMembersActivity, and Settings

Teams tab

The Teams tab shows a summary of all of your connected teams. From this tab, you can manage connected teams, add new ones, or remove connected ones.

  • To remove a team, click the “ (ellipses) and click Remove
  • To add a team, click Invite a team

Click each team to see team details, admins, and activity. Then, click the “ (ellipses) next to any admin to reset their password, edit their permissions, and suspend or delete them from the team.

Members tab

The Members tab shows a summary of all the members of your connected teams, including admins. You can search and filter them by MembersTeamsRole, and Status. Also, you can move team members to another Dropbox team account you manage.

Click the “” (ellipses) to reset a member’s password, edit their permissions, or delete them from a team.

To add an enterprise admin:

  1. Navigate to the Members tab.
  2. Search for the member you’d like to make an enterprise admin.
  3. Click the “” (ellipses) next to their name.
  4. Click Edit admin permissions.
  5. Select Enterprise admin, and click Next.
  6. Click Make enterprise admin to confirm.

Activity tab

The Activity tab is similar to the team activity log in the regular admin console. It shows a summary of the activity of all admins and team members in one place. You can search and filter activities by DatePeopleContentActivities, and Team.

Settings tab

The Settings tab shows a summary of each team’s sharing settings, authentications, devices, and other permissions. From here, you can control these settings for all teams at once. 

You can also lock individual settings for a specific team to prevent admins from changing them. To do so:

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  2. Click the setting you’d like to lock or unlock.
  3. Click the lock icon next to the team you’d like to lock or unlock that setting for.

To manage all the settings for a specific team from that team’s admin console, click Team profile and the gear icon next to any team.

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