View your Dropbox support ticket history

Updated Nov 02, 2023

You can view all of your tickets with Dropbox support in a single place. To view the full list of your support tickets:

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to
  3. Under Your ticket history, click View tickets.

There are 3 different support ticket statuses—open, closing, and closed.

  • Open tickets are currently active. You can reply to the support agent, see when a reply was received, and check when a ticket will close.
  • Closing tickets are within 24 hours of closing. You can still do the same things with closing tickets as you can with open tickets, they will just appear red as a warning that they are about to close.
  • Closed tickets are tickets that have been closed after a resolution has been reached or there’s been no reply from either side for 96 hours. Closed tickets can’t be re-opened, but you can create a followup ticket if your issue is not resolved.

Reply to a support ticket

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to
  3. Scroll to the section titled Your ticket history, and click View tickets.
  4. Click the ticket you’d like to reply to.
  5. Under Add a reply, type your response in the text box.
  6. If desired, click Add or upload files here to add an attachment to your reply.
  7. Click Reply.
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