How to create and manage Dropbox file requests

Updated Mar 07, 2025
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This article describes a feature available to customers on all Dropbox plans.

You can use file requests to collect files from other people, even if they don’t have a Dropbox account. The files will appear in a folder you choose in your Dropbox account.
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  • Anyone can send a file to you, whether they have a Dropbox account or not.
  • All files collected with a file request will take up space in your Dropbox account. To be sure you can accept the files you need, check how much space you have available. If there isn’t enough space for the files you want to request, recipients will receive an error when they try to upload. 
  • Dropbox Basic, Plus, and Family customers can request files up to 2 GB. For files larger than 2 GB, consider using a shared link.
  • Customers on Dropbox Professional, Essentials, Business, Business Plus, Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise can accept files up to 250 GB in size.

How to create a file request

  1. Log in to
  2. Click File requests in the left sidebar.
  3. Click New request above the file request list.
  4. Under Title, enter a name for your request.
  5. Under Description, add details about the request, if you'd like. 
  6. Under Folder for uploaded files, you'll see the path to a new folder for your requested files. To change the destination, click Change Folder.
  7. Customers on Dropbox Professional, Essentials, Business, Business Plus, Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise can check the box next to Set a deadline to set a deadline date and time, as well as choose to allow late uploads or not.
  8. Add a password (optional).
    • Note: If you use a password, be sure to share it with the person you’re requesting files from. You can share the password in the Description or via text, email, or any other communication medium you prefer.
  9. Click Create.
  10. Type the email or name of the person or people you’d like to request files from. They’ll receive an email about your request. 
    • To copy a link, click Copy next to Share a link instead. You can paste the link into an email, message, or wherever you’d like people to access it.
    • If you're a member of a team, you can use the Email to Dropbox feature, just click Copy next to Share an email instead.
      • Submitters can send the requested files directly to this email address and the attachments will automatically be uploaded to your chosen folder. Learn more about Email to Dropbox.
  11. Click Share. You’ll receive an email confirmation that you’ve sent the request, and email notifications whenever a file is uploaded.
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Note: If you’re a member of a team, and your team admin has turned off file requests and the Email to Dropbox feature, you won’t be able to create file requests. 

Watch this video to see how to create a file request.

Once you’ve created a file request, you can share it by clicking the icons located to the right of the file request name: 

  • Copy email (paper sheets): If you’re a member of a team, you can click to copy the email address of the folder where contacts can send file attachments (max. 20 MB per email).  
  • Send email (paper airplane): Click to email file requests directly to a recipient. 
  • Copy link (chainlink): Click to copy a shareable link to upload files.
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  • By default, the destination folder for uploaded files is private. You can share the uploaded files by selecting a shared folder when you create the request, or by sharing the files or folder after files have been uploaded.
  • Anyone with the email address can upload files directly to the associated Dropbox folder from their inbox by sending the files as email attachments. Only share it with people you trust.

If you're an admin on a team account, learn how to manage file requests for your team.

How to edit a file request

You can edit any open requests.

To edit a file request after it's been created:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click File requests in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Opened in the top-right corner.
  4. Click the name of the request you’d like to edit.
  5. Edit the Title and Description of your request. You can also change or delete the password and change the folder where the files are sent.
    • Note: Dropbox Professional, Essentials, Business, Business Plus, Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise customers can also add or update a deadline. 
  6. When you’ve updated your information, click Save.

How to close a file request

You can close a file request when you'd like to stop receiving files. Once a file request is closed, people with an invitation link can’t upload files to your Dropbox account unless you reopen the request. 

To close a file request:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click File requests in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Opened.
  4. Click the name of the file request you’d like to close.
  5. Click Close request. You can view your closed requests on the Closed tab.

Watch this video for more information about closing a file request.

How to reopen a file request

You can reopen a file request you’ve closed. If you’ve deleted a file request, you can’t reopen it. 

To reopen a file request:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click File requests in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Closed.
  4. Click the name of the request you’d like to reopen.
  5. Click Reactivate request.
  6. Add or change any info. When you’re done, click Save.

How to delete a file request

You can delete a request so it doesn’t appear in your Dropbox account. 

To delete a file request:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click File requests in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Closed.
  4. Click the name of the file request you’d like to delete.
  5. Click Delete request.
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