What is the email address on my Dropbox account?
The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users.
To log in to Dropbox, use the email address you used to sign up to Dropbox.
If you’re not sure what the email address on your Dropbox account is, you can find it from a device you linked to your account or through a folder you shared, or through your payment information if you purchased a subscription.
How to find the email address on your Dropbox account
You can find the email account associated with your Dropbox account on dropbox.com, the Dropbox desktop app, and the Dropbox mobile app.
- Click the Dropbox icon in your taskbar (Windows) or menu bar (Mac).
- Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the top-right corner.
- Click Preferences.
- Click the Account tab.
You'll see the email addresses for your linked Dropbox accounts there.
- Open the Dropbox mobile app.
- Tap the person icon in the bottom-right corner.
Your account name and email are shown at the top of the screen.
You can tap the up and down arrows next to your name and email to see the email address associated with your linked account, if you have one. The account you’re logged in with has a blue checkmark next to it.
How can I find my email address if I can’t log in to Dropbox?
If you can’t log in to Dropbox, you can use our credit and debit card charge lookup tool to find the email address associated with a charge.
If you’re a member of a shared folder, you can also ask another member of that folder to look up your account’s address by doing the following:
- Log in to dropbox.com.
- Click Shared in the left sidebar.
- Click the Folders tab.
- Find the shared folder and click the “...” (ellipsis) next to the shared folder name.
- Select Share.
- Click Who can access.
In the list of shared folder members, the person will be able to see the email address under to your name.
Community answers
Posted by: bgillespie12 12 hours ago
Posted by: CyndiS 9 days ago
Posted by: Robert H.73 16 days ago