How to cancel or leave a Dropbox Family plan

Updated Dec 11, 2024
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The information in this article applies to customers on Dropbox Family.

If you're the Family manager of a Dropbox Family plan, you can cancel your subscription at any time. The cancellation will go into effect at the end of your current billing cycle.

When the subscription ends:

  • Everyone on the plan (Family manager and members) will be downgraded to their own free Dropbox Basic account. 
  • All plan members will retain access to all of their files and folders, as well as any content that was shared with them. 
  • All plan members will retain a copy of the Family Room folder.
  • Anyone on a free Basic plan can recover deleted files and restore earlier versions of files for 30 days.
  • Anyone who exceeds the storage quota of their Basic account can still access their files, but Dropbox will stop syncing their files to their devices.

To cancel a Dropbox Family plan:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the top-right corner.
  3. Click Manage account.
  4. Click Cancel plan at the bottom of the page.
  5. Select a reason for canceling.
  6. Click Continue canceling. You’ll receive an email confirmation that your subscription has been canceled.
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Note: Family managers who purchased Dropbox Family through the Dropbox mobile app will need to cancel through the app store on their mobile device.

Leaving a Family plan

While only the Family manager can cancel the plan, Family members can opt out of the Family plan at any time. Once a member leaves the plan, they'll be downgraded to a free Dropbox Basic account and will lose access to the features and storage space of Dropbox Family.

Family members who leave a Family plan will retain all their files and folders in their individual account, plus any content that was shared with them, but will lose access to the Family Room folder. If they exceed the storage quota of their Basic account they can still access their files, but Dropbox will stop syncing files to their devices.

To leave a Family plan:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the top-right corner.
  3. Click Manage account.
  4. Under Subscriptions, click Leave plan.
  5. Select a reason for leaving.
  6. Click Continue canceling. You’ll receive an email confirmation that your subscription has been canceled.
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Note: If the Family plan manager cancels the plan, all family members will be converted to their own free Dropbox Basic accounts. Individuals can keep their Basic plan, or choose another plan that meets their needs.

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