Using the Dropbox website

Updated Mar 05, 2025
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This article is for all Dropbox users on, unless stated otherwise.

When you log in to, you’ll have access to all the files and folders in your Dropbox account. You can also access file and folder activity, notifications, online account settings, and certain tools and features, depending on your plan. 

Along the top of the page, you’ll see options to search content, access help and announcements, and manage your account settings. You can use action bar buttons to create a file, upload from your computer, or create a folder. Use the left sidebar to quickly navigate between files and folders.

Search, apps, and buttons

Along the top of the page, you can access:

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Important: The Templates tab was discontinued on January 6, 2025.  A pop-up window will notify you about the change, and redirect you to Dropbox Sign.

Upload, create, organize, and additional features

Left navigation bar

From the left navigation bar on, you may have access to the following:

From Home, users can access different options in the left sidebar. The options depend on which type of Dropbox plan you have.
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Note: To collapse the left sidebar, click the half-filled square icon in the bottom-left corner. To reopen the left sidebar, click the square icon with a vertical line.

All files

Click All files to access all the files and folders you’ve added to your Dropbox account, including your Suggested, Recent, and Starred files and folders, online-only content, and content managed with selective sync. Browse or sort your files and folders, and quickly share, preview, or open them. Above the file list and filters, you can upload content from your computer and create new files and folders.



Get quick access to all files and folders that have been shared with you, or that you've shared with others

  • Click the Recent tab at the top of the page to see shared content by date.
  • Click the Folders or Files tab to see shared content by type.
  • Click the Links tab to see files and folders that have been shared with a link.

You can create new shared folders by clicking Shared in the left sidebar, then clicking the Create shared folder above the file list.

File requests

Manage file requests and check how many submitters have responded and files have been added. 

  • Click the Opened tab to see file requests that are still pending. Click the send email icon (paper airplane) next to a file request to share it via email. Or, click the link icon (chainlink) to copy a link to share.
  • Click the Closed tab to see expired file requests or file requests that you’ve closed. Click  (more options) next to the name of a request to reopen it.

You can create new file requests by clicking File requests in the left sidebar, then clicking New request above the file request list.


Deleted files

Access files and folders you’ve deleted from your account, grouped by date. 

  • Click the name of a file or folder to restore it. If multiple files were deleted on the same day, you can choose from a list of files to restore.

By clicking Deleted files in the left sidebar you can filter deleted files by date, user, and folder.

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Note: The amount of time Dropbox stores deleted files depends on your plan. Learn more about version history.


Click Photos to view, access, and quickly retrieve your photo and video files in one centralized location. Any photos or videos you upload to your Dropbox account will automatically appear here.

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Note: The Photos page is only available to customers on Dropbox Basic, Plus, Family, Professional, or Essentials.


Create a template, send a file for signature, or self-sign PDFs. Learn more about how to send a signature request.

Send and track

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Important: Dropbox Send and track will be discontinued starting March 31, 2025. After this date, existing users' files will be stored in the “Send and track” folder on their Dropbox account (Files that predate February 15, 2024, need to be manually downloaded from the Send and track hub or they’ll be permanently deleted). Links will be disabled, but users can reshare the files through Dropbox (without analytics) or through a newly-created DocSend account.

Track real-time analytics for your files. You can send your files with secure links, control access with passwords, collect emails, and track page-by-page analytics to follow up with viewers.
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Note: The Send and track page is only available to customers on Dropbox Essentials, Business, or Business Plus. 

Quick access

You can organize files and folders into sections to quickly access them from the left sidebar. These sections are private to you. Files and folders that you star will automatically be placed in a section named Starred.

  • To create a new section, click (add) next to Quick access, then click Create section
  • To add files and folders to a section, you can drag and drop them in. Or, click (more options) next to the name of the section and follow the prompts to select the file or folder.
  • To move a file from a section to another section, hover over the file in the Quick access tab and click ☑ (more options). Click Move to section, select a section from the dropdown menu, and click Move.
  • To remove a file from a section, hover over the file in the Quick access tab and click  (more options). Then, click Remove from section.
Click Folders to display a list of all your folders in the left sidebar. You can drag and drop files and folders from the main file list to the left sidebar to quickly organize your files.
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Note: To collapse the left sidebar, click the half-filled square icon in the bottom-left corner. To reopen the left sidebar, click the square icon with a vertical line.

To open a folder on

  1. Click All files to view your root folder.
  2. Click the name of a folder to open it and see its contents.
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Note: Customers on Dropbox Plus, Family, Professional, Essentials, Standard, Business, Advanced, Business Plus, and Enterprise can also access Dropbox Rewind to undo a large number of changes and return a folder, or their entire account, to an earlier state.

Admins on team plans can manage members and settings from the admin console. The options you see in the left sidebar depend on your account type and admin role. When an admin clicks Admin console in the left sidebar, they may see the following options:

  • Dashboard: View key stats on your team’s activities as well as shortcuts to common admin actions.
  • Members: Add and manage individual members of your team.
  • Groups: Monitor and manage both user-managed and company-managed groups.
  • Content: Manage your team’s shared folders and team folders.
  • Security: Manage security policies for your team, including security alertsexternal sharing, and passwords.
  • Billing: Manage your plan, view invoices, change billing frequency, or update your payment method.
  • Classification: Manage your team's data classification policy.
  • Settings: Change team-wide settings, from members and security to sharing, apps, and add-on features.
  • Help: Access self-support resources and contact Dropbox Support.

Click More to access the following: 

You can also click App Center at the bottom to open the app center and connect apps to Dropbox.

Notifications and settings

In the upper right corner, you can access:


Upgrade your Dropbox Basic account. Learn how to manage your Dropbox personal or team subscription


Access and manage your account settings, including plan and billing information, preferences, and connected apps. Learn how to manage your account settings.

Manage account (Dropbox Basic, Plus, Family, Essentials, and Professional)

Review or upgrade your plan, check available storage, customize account settings, or redeem a license key. 


Set up automations, such as naming conventions, tags, and other organization options. Learn how to set up Dropbox automations.

View team and groups

Organize team members into groups for your Dropbox team account. Learn how to create and manage groups.

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Note: This option is only available customers on Dropbox team accounts.

Install desktop app

Download and install the Dropbox desktop app. Learn more about downloading the Dropbox desktop app.



Enable light mode or dark mode on To do this:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the bottom-left corner.
  3. Click Theme.
  4. Choose one of the following options:
    • Light mode
    • Dark mode
    • Operating System
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Note: If you choose Operating System, your Dropbox account will default to the same setting as your Windows or Mac device. Learn how to switch to a light or dark mode on Windows 10, Windows 11, and Mac.

Log out 
Log out of your account on Learn more about logging in or out of Dropbox.

Change your preferred language for Learn more about changing the language and date format of your account.

Add a personal or team account 
Link a Dropbox team account to a personal Dropbox account. Learn how to link and unlink Dropbox accounts.

Switch accounts
Switch to a linked Dropbox account.

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